
Palladian Park - Constraints

Sam Walton’s 10 Rules for Running a Successful Company

Sam Walton began in retail as a management trainee at J.C. Penny in 1940. While there, one of his managers told him he wasn’t cut out for retail. Fast forwarding a few years, Walton was operating the most successful Ben Franklin store in the entire franchise system. He then went on to found his own retail company: Wal-Mart. Today, the rebranded Walmart has outlived Walton, employs over two million employees globally, and is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Clearly, Walton had a business framework that worked.

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Palladian Park - Constraints

Avoid the Disease of Victory

The problem with victory—especially frequent victories—is that it breeds arrogance and complacency. This phenomenon, known as “the disease of victory”, has ensnared countless individuals and groups throughout the ages. Be aware of this tendency and guard yourself against it.

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Palladian Park - Constraints

Misperceptions of Mutual Exclusivity

We can often see much of the world as mutually exclusive: either something is one way or it isn’t. But we do this despite knowing full well that the world is not black and white. There are infinite shades of gray called nuance. While it may be easier to see the world in binary terms, it can be detrimental. Thinking spectrally and probabilistically can help combat the effects of binary thinking, but just how wide reaching can illusions of mutually exclusivity be?

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