
Palladian Park - Constraints

Mungerisms: Memorable Thoughts and Quotes from a Mental Giant

On November 28, 2023, the world lost a mental giant. When he passed, Charlie Munger was a couple of months shy of his 100th birthday. It was a long life, filled with exploration, learning, and wit. Of all the things Munger did in his life, one of his most impactful was passing on wisdom to others.

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Palladian Park - Constraints

Life is a Two-Way Street

It’s so easy to default to a common level of thinking about how life works and what our role in it is. This common level of thinking can be termed “one-way streets” for their simplicity. Yet it’s the moments that don’t fit within the common level of thinking that we can differentiate ourselves and reach heightened levels of clarity. These opportunities lie within what we’ll call two-way streets, frameworks where power dynamics, information flow, and more operate in different directions.

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Palladian Park - Constraints

It’s Okay to Want More

There’s a common misperception that wanting more is bad. We are told to be happy with what we have and to realize all the blessings in our lives. While it’s good to practice gratitude, simply being content is not the answer. If we don’t want more, we lack ambition and stagnate. Stagnation, whether personal, professional, or other forms, is bad too. Like most things in life, we have to balance the dichotomy of wanting more and being thankful for what we have.

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Palladian Park - Constraints

How to Effectively Use Role Models

Using role models effectively can fast-track our personal growth. We are social creatures who learn from our tribe members; when we see others who are successful, we strive to emulate them in the hopes that we too can experience success. Conversely, we shy away from what the troubled members do for fear of falling into their same misfortunes. But like anything, we can take this practice too far.

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