
Palladian Park - Constraints

Life is a Two-Way Street

It’s so easy to default to a common level of thinking about how life works and what our role in it is. This common level of thinking can be termed “one-way streets” for their simplicity. Yet it’s the moments that don’t fit within the common level of thinking that we can differentiate ourselves and reach heightened levels of clarity. These opportunities lie within what we’ll call two-way streets, frameworks where power dynamics, information flow, and more operate in different directions.

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Palladian Park - Constraints

Misperceptions of Mutual Exclusivity

We can often see much of the world as mutually exclusive: either something is one way or it isn’t. But we do this despite knowing full well that the world is not black and white. There are infinite shades of gray called nuance. While it may be easier to see the world in binary terms, it can be detrimental. Thinking spectrally and probabilistically can help combat the effects of binary thinking, but just how wide reaching can illusions of mutually exclusivity be?

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