Albert Einstein

Palladian Park - Constraints

Occam’s Razor: Champion of Simplicity

We live in a complex world full of extraordinary detail and interconnections. It is easy for us to get overwhelmed in an environment like this. But Occam’s Razor is the antidote. The brilliance of Occam’s Razor lies within its simplicity and efficiency. In a world full of noise, Occam’s Razor helps us make good decisions quickly.

Occam’s Razor: Champion of Simplicity Read More »

Palladian Park - Constraints

Circle of Competence: Stick to What You Know

While a large circle of competence might indicate intelligence, knowing exactly where the boundary of the circle is exemplifies wisdom. As such, knowing the locations of the boundary of the circle trumps the size of the circle. That doesn’t mean we cannot grow our circle. But we should stay within our circle of competence to improve our chances of making good decisions.

Circle of Competence: Stick to What You Know Read More »